Friday, November 9, 2012

im baaaaacckk! (ive been inspired)

Well hello again! I have been inspired and so i am back! I have been inspired by a good friend that started a blog recently. Check it out btw, She has recently been experiencing what it is to become the wife of a husband in the police academy. It got me thinking how wonderful the www is these days. She comes to me and other close friends for advice and sometimes just to vent about new challenges her family is facing in this new and changed life . It was frustrating for me because I was worried I wouldnt have the correct advice for her. As friends we could only advise her on the basics,( and after a few glasses of wine, we get reeeealy good at that). However, I am so glad there are opportunities like these blogs, ect out there for ppl to reach out and relate. Sooooo anyway we will see how long this lasts for me but as of for right now it felt pretty refreshing and I feel much lighter. have a positively wonderful day. xo 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I heart Youtube!

Today I thought I would share my love for YOUTUBE ! Since I have started this Blog I have been on constantly. Tutorials have been more helpful to me than a couple of the books I have read. It has everything you need . My particular focus lately  has been how to start a   blog,  various photo shop topics ,and  how to use my Nikon dslr correctly. I know that Youtube has been around for quite some time and this is not something I have just fall in upon. However, what I did not realize as I was searching for particular answers is how easy and convenient it is to use. I am a very cut and dry kinda gal. I like to type it in and get a result and that is what I got every time. As a busy mama I only have so much time to surf the net.  You can imagine my excitement when I didn't get a bunch of random websites to chose from rather  a quick video showing exactly what to do. Being a visual type of learner this is exactly what I need. One more thing that got me thinking was how awesome these random people are for taking the time out to post these tutorials. It warms my heart to know there are people out there willing to take time out to make life that much easier. This is my personal THANK YOU to all those who, Youtube, Blog and  Pin. Thank you for making my life easier, happier, inspired, challenged and fun. Here's to a wonderful Saturday and I'm off for a 10 mile run today. xo 

Friday, April 13, 2012


Today my post is about GIRL TALK! A little" G T" if you will. I was thinking of  doing  a feature   every Tuesday, called GIRL TALK TUESDAY and everyone can chime in. There is something to be said about girl talk, its good for the soul.  its  a phrase that has been  over rated and  over used. Its  an act that is over looked and  found  unnecessary. As a Mama and a wife  I can say that girl talk is very necessary.Our lives get so crazy and fogged over at times you  forget to take care of you. Last  night I worked late. It was time to go home, I  found myself  in the back room with two of the amazing woman I work with ( that double as good friends of mine) . It ended up that we sat in that room and laughed our selves back to sanity for the next hour (could have been longer, I didn't notice). We talked about our kids, our husbands/ boyfriends, the taboo topic, SEX. It was the best night I had in awhile with my girlfriends and who knew it would be after a long tiring day at work. It was just what we all needed and we all left with our hearts light and our brains recharged. So, in closing I would like to challenge all woman, married, not married, kids, no kids, working, stay at home, whatever your roll in  life may be .Give yourself a time-out. Call  a girlfriend , go out for  coffee, a walk, or a cocktail. It doesn't matter WHAT you do just DO IT. You will find that the magic of GT works every time. Have fun, enjoy and relax. 
my girls 
me a

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I have found something wonderful in the last few months. Its free, and its cheaper than therapy! :) RUNNING! Yes I said it, RUNNING! I got a call from a girlfriend somewhere around January asking if I wanted to join her in running a 1/2 marathon. I accepted and we were off, training, running, hating it, loving it, needing it , craving it. Before we knew it we were obsessed! I couldn't wait for my husband to get home so I could take of for an hour. I wasn't even thinking that I was about to run 5-8 miles, I just wanted to get out there and let my mind FREE! Running came into my life at just the right time and I now have a new love. Not only is it great for your body but great for your mind and soul. I have found so much peace in  running. I cant wait to see what crossing the line at a 1/2 marathon will do for me. I have to say that NIKE has got it right when they say  ..........  JUST DO IT! Sometimes that's all it takes ! :) 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

How to get a handle on that static in your hair

do you ever feel like your hair is doing this?

 Today I'm showing some love to the Hair Tips section of my blog. This particular topic seems to have been a popular one amongst my clients these days. STATIC! There is nothing more frustrating or unappealing when it comes to  static in your hair .... or clothes for that matter. I found a link from one of my favorite hair sites to share with you and it gives you a great explanation of why the static and how to STOP THE STATIC ! I hope this is helpful and I wish u a static fee day!   Click here!  

Monday, April 9, 2012

How I came to be! :)

my Noni

If there is one thing about me that I know I love to do its decorating for the holidays and planning events. I AM NOT a professional, not by any means. I just love making my house cozy and festive on holidays and making people feel special on their special day. I know I got my decorating sense, if you will, from my Mom who inherited it from her mom, my Noni. Next time I am at my grandparents I will do a feature and share photos of my Noni's amazing decorating sense. My Noni pays such great attention to detail, you could look at one area , look at the same area later and see something new. She's got everything perfect, right down to the smell of ceder wood and yummy oven cookin'. until I can make it out for a trip, you are just going to have to trust me. My Mom always taught the girls in the family how to make a cozy,welcoming home and taught the boys in the family that a woman that held those qualities is probably a keeper. I also would like to share, as mentioned in my about me section I am a bargain shopper. The better the deal the more my brain works which in turn makes for a super creative idea. Hope you enjoy what I have to share and it gets your brain pumpin' as well.
me and my mom

My successful Easter !

Lucy's Easter basket
Lucy Mae and her polka dot tights :)