Friday, April 6, 2012

YAY! im up and running..... i think.. lol

Well ladies and gentleman you are witnessing a first time blogger's first post! I have been figuring out this" blog stuff"  for the last three weeks or so. With the help of Mom blogging for dummies, YouTube tutorials and closely dissecting a few of my favorite blogs  I was able to figure out the basics and begin my adventure into the world wide web! Funny thing about that is, I really don't even know if anyone is or will ever read this very post. ha! Either way I am excited and ready to share a whole lotta stuff. I wish I could hit the ground running right NOW, buuuut here in sunny California the time is currently 11:35pm and this working mama has got to catch some shut eye for a 6am run tomorrow, (yes it IS Saturday tomorrow ) HOWEVER I have to work at 8am AND  with my first  1/2 marathon coming up in May I need all the training I can get! oops! sorry, was that too much ? Well I was just giving you a small prelude to my life and what I have to offer in this blog. Lots of exciting things coming up, projects and FREE hair tips from a professional! Now who doesn't like FREE! Ok, my "I'm up and running" high is starting to wear off and i will say Good night . see ya tomorrow ")
ps............. can someone leave some kind of comment just so I know this whole thing really works? lol ;) 


  1. Up and running and off to a great start! Hair tips are always a great thing to share. Heading off to check that static one. Thanks! And good luck with your upcoming half-marathon. That's awesome!


  2. Ah! It does work! lol. thanks for leaving a comment. Im having fun with it. One thing I didnt realize was how difficult it would be to capture an audience. Im sure it will all come with time and effort. In the mean time im having fun with it and im learng a lot. thanks again for checking it out! have a great day!
